






1.1 开放平台:即客如云开放平台,指由甲方所拥有并独立经营的、供服务商使用接口等资源以开发、展示、销售和管理服务商应用或服务的平台系统。开放平台网站登录入口为open.keruyun.com,但不限于该网站及该网站内的相关页面。

1.2 服务市场:指在开放平台上,为乙方应用或服务提供发布及订购的自助服务市场和管理系统。

1.3 接口:指接口提供者开发并拥有知识产权的软件或程序,服务商可按照开放平台的规则将其集成到服务商应用或服务中。

1.4 接口提供者:指通过开放平台向服务商提供接口信息和技术文档的单位或个人,以便服务商开发应用产品及提供服务。

1.5 服务商/乙方:指与甲方签订本协议入驻开放平台的单位或个人。服务商通过开放平台获取接口和技术文档开发、完善应用以便服务自身或服务其他商户。服务商可以在接口文档中查看该接口具体由哪个接口提供者提供。

1.6 商户:指所有使用服务商提供的应用或服务的单位或个人。

1.7 应用(含服务、系统等):指由开发者通过开放平台上接口提供者所提供的接口或/及技术材料所开发或完善的应用程序及相关服务。

1.8 AppID & RSA密钥:指服务商在申请开发应用时获得的由甲方授予的应用程序接入账户和密钥。

1.9 API(Application Programming Interface):开放平台为第三方应用接入提供的编程接口,具体接口说明,参见API文档列表。

1.10 web应用防火墙:集WEB防护、网页保护、负载均衡、应用交付于一体的WEB整体安全防护设备的一款产品。它集成全新的安全理念与先进的创新架构,保障用户核心应用与业务持续稳定的运行

1.11 安骑士:一款经受百万级主机稳定性考验的主机安全加固产品,拥有自动化实时入侵威胁检测、病毒查杀、漏洞智能修复、基线一键核查等功能。

1.12 聚石塔:指基于阿里巴巴数据分享战略、依托于云计算技术、联合电商行业开发者合作伙伴,帮助企业快速发展电子商务的开放的电商云工作平台。

1.13 聚石塔内调用:指部署在聚石塔环境内的系统和应用发起的对客如云开放平台API的使用行为,聚石塔环境包括聚石塔的云主机、应用运行引擎和托管主机等,以开发者发起调用的IP地址是否属于安全云环境认定的IP范围为准。

1.14 聚石塔外调用:指由聚石塔环境外的系统和应用发起的对客如云开放平台API的使用行为。

1.15 关联公司:就任何人士而言,关联公司指直接或者间接控制此类人士、受此类人士控制或与此类人士受共同控制的任何人士。为本定义之目的,“控制”一词(包括具有相关意义的“控制”、“受控制”和“受共同控制”)指直接或者间接拥有指示或者促使指示上述人士的管理和政策的权力,无论是通过拥有有投票权的证券、合同或者其它途径;但在任何情况下,服务商均不得被视为是甲方或者其任何关联公司的关联公司,反之亦然。


2.1 您根据开放平台入驻页面提示在线提交各项必须文件或证明,包括但不限于营业执照、授权委托书、法定代表人身份证正反面、信息安全相关资质信息等以及相关的联系人、联系方式等。在发生用户投诉、行政机关机构调查、诉讼解决等事项时,您还应向“客如云”提交与原件核对一致且加盖公章的纸质复印件。

2.2 基于开放平台的特殊性,除核实您资质信息的真实性以及核实资质相关信息以外,客如云无义务代替您对其上传的所有信息、交易行为以及与交易行为有关的其他事项进行事先审查和核实,同时,客如云对您信息的核实,仅为形式审核,并不代客如云对其真实性和有效性的认可,该证明文件的真实性、合法性、准确性、有效性仍由服务商单独承担全部法律责任。

2.3 您确保向客如云提供的上述证明文件或其他相关证明真实、合法、准确、有效;若上述证明文件发生任何变更或更新时立即通知“客如云”,并于十五个工作日内,提交更新后的文件。

2.4 若您提交虚假、过期文件、或未如期通知并提交更新文件等的,由您独立承担全部法律责任。若由此导致您不符合开放平台入驻条件的,“客如云”有权要求您补充提供相关资料,或者拒绝您申请、调整开放平台权限、直至终止本协议。如您造成“客如云”及其他任何第三方损失的,您还应足额赔偿。

2.5 如资质文件过期,客如云有权通知您重新上传相关资质证明。 若服务商资质证明过期且您未能重新提供资质证明,客如云有权单方面暂停或终止您使用服务和相关账户,下架您的应用直至重新上传资质证明。

2.6 如有合理理由怀疑您提供的资料错误、不实、过时或不完整的,客如云有权向您发出询问及/或要求改正的通知,并有权直接做出删除相应资料的处理,直至中止、终止对您提供部分或全部服务。客如云对此不承担任何责任,您将承担因此产生的任何直接或间接损失及不利后果。



3.1 甲方、接口提供者不参与服务商应用的研发、运营等任何活动。因服务商的应用产生的任何纠纷、责任等,以及服务商违反法律法规或本协议约定引发的任何后果,均由服务商独立承担责任,与甲方及接口提供者无关;如侵害到甲方、接口提供者或其他第三方合法权益的,服务商须自行承担全部责任和赔偿一切损失。如甲方或接口提供者因服务商的应用或服务商原因承担法律责任或遭受任何损失,则甲方或接口提供者有权在承担该等责任后向服务商进行追偿,以便使自身不受损失。

3.2 除本协议外,如接口提供者就接口使用等事项另行制定使用规范或规则的,服务商需同时遵守该等使用规范或规则。

3.3 服务商基于自身使用接口提供者提供的接口,或向商户提供含有接口提供者所提供接口的应用或服务的,服务商应按甲方流程进行操作,并通过甲方或接口提供者审核。


4.1 甲方有权对您自助申请并按照客如云开放平台入驻页面(企业开发者资质认证页面)中的要求提交相关资质、服务商合作业务信息等其他客如云需要您提交的信息进行审核;在您资质、不符合客如云相关规定等情况下,客如云有权不予以审核通过。

4.2 甲方是开放平台的运营者,仅提供中立的平台服务,您应自行负责其应用的创作、开放、编辑、加工、修改、测试、运营及维护等,并自行承担相应的费用。若您申请在开放平台展示其应用或服务,您同意,甲方有权根据法律法规规定对服务商的应用或服务进行审查,并自行决定是否展示服务商的应用或服务,或从开放平台中删除该应用或服务且不承担任何责任。尽管如此,您同意,甲方不应因其审核行为而被认定为是应用或服务的共同提供方,且不因该等审核而对服务商的应用或服务承担任何责任。

4.3 如存在下列情况,甲方有权立即停止为您提供本协议项下的服务,并追究您的法律责任。甲方有权通过规则、通知等形式进一步补充或说明本条所规定的内容:

  (1) 服务商违反国家相关法律法规定的规定,包括但不限于从事恐怖活动、危害网络安全、洗钱、颠覆政府、煽动民族仇恨等;







4.4 甲方有权查阅服务商和商户的注册、交易数据及交易行为,如果甲方发现其中反映可能存在第4.3条规定所列的情形或任何其他问题,甲方有权向服务商发出询问或要求改正的通知,或者直接作出其认为合适的处理,包括但不限于删除相关信息,删除应用或停止对该服务商提供本协议项下的服务。

4.5 服务商同意,甲方有权在服务商的应用或服务或其他相关页面上公开服务商的真实主体信息,以便商户了解应用或服务的提供者身份。


5.1 您需进行账户注册并填写基本信息后获取开放平台注册账户,您应当通过开放平台中的开发者平台或客如云公司其他指定途径,使用开发者个人实名认证手机号码或者公司负责人实名认证手机号码注册开发者帐号(下简称:帐号)以成为开发者,开发者帐号一经注册成功,相应的手机号码不得变更,且该帐号不可转让、出租、出借、赠与、继承、泄露、披露等。 您保证注册账号使用的手机号码之真实性及合法性,该手机号码在本开放平台中进行的包括但不限于以下事项:注册开放平台帐号、提交相应资质材料、确认和同意相关协议和规则以及进行费用结算等事项。

5.2 您应妥善保管登录开放平台的账户(包括但不限于已注册账户或将来开放平台允许登录的其他账户,以下简称“账户”)和密码、手机等联系方式和通讯工具,并对使用该账户和密码所进行的一切行为承担全部责任。甲方通过账户、密码识别服务商身份及指令,使用服务商账户、密码的操作视为服务商本人的操作。您同意,如果因您的账户、密码遗失、泄露、被盗等所导致的损失及责任由您自行承担。

5.3 为保障开放平台的有序运营和安全性,您声明其使用开放平台服务及相关接口、技术文档时应遵守法律法规。且您仅得按本协议及与接口服务提供者的约定(如有)自行使用开放平台上的权限和接口等,不得为任何第三方申请接口或本协议项下的其他服务, 同时您应对开放平台为其提供的数据安全性负全部责任,并对以其用户名进行的所有活动和事件负全部责任,服务商若发现任何非法使用开发者账号或存在数据泄露等安全漏洞或风险的情况,应立即通知客如云。

5.4 您保证应具备经营、签署及履行本协议所需各项授权、证照、批准和资质,并保持联系方式的畅通。

5.5 您理解并同意,为保护平台安全,甲方有权选择服务商,并可自行或聘请第三方专业机构对服务商接入的信息系统实行现场检查和审查,包括但不限于技术水平审查、安全水平审查等,并根据审查结果向服务商提出防入侵、防病毒等措施建议。前述审查包括在商户安全检测平台、由第三方安全检测服务提供者向服务商提供的有偿或无偿的安全检测服务,服务商签订本协议的即视为已与第三方安全检测服务提供者签订《安全检测服务协议》之全部内容,服务商确认该协议的内容对其有约束力。服务商理解并同意,甲方不对上述第三方提供的检测服务有关的费用、结果、纠纷负责。若服务商提供的信息系统无法符合保护商户数据安全和用户数据安全的要求,甲方有权拒绝或终止提供开放平台服务。但基于甲方并非专业机构,该审查并不保证服务商的应用、服务或行为完全合法合规或完全无风险,也并不代表甲方对服务商的任何行为提供担保、许可或向第三人承担任何共同责任。

5.6 服务商同意接收来自甲方及其关联公司、合作伙伴发出的邮件、信息。

5.7 服务商一旦在开放平台申请成功,并申请发布一个新应用时, 服务商将得到一个针对该应用的唯一的AppID和甲方RSA公钥。甲方通过AppID来鉴别应用服务商的身份。服务商同意,任何时候都不使用其他服务商的AppID和RSA私钥,也不将自身的AppID和RSA私钥泄露给任何第三方。服务商同意任何使用服务商AppID和该应用的RSA私钥的行为,均被认为是服务商的行为;如服务商发现或怀疑他人未经授权使用服务商的AppID或RSA私钥时应立即通知甲方。甲方对服务商的AppID所有使用情况,包括但不限于任何未经授权的访问、更改或者删除、破坏、损害、丢失或未能存储均不承担任何责任。

5.8 未经甲方书面同意,服务商及其员工不得使用甲方及其关联公司(包括但不限于客如云、时时同云、口碑、阿里巴巴等)的商号、商标、服务标志、企业名称、其他标志、标识、用语等进行任何活动,亦不得对外宣传与甲方存在除本协议之外的任何其他关联。服务商应用对开放平台相关的API的使用,不得进行任何形式的更改。开发者应在应用中正确、完整地标注“Powered by 客如云开放平台”或“技术由客如云开放平台提供”的字样。否则客如云公司有权随时中止或终止开发者使用开放平台相关服务。

5.9 服务商应负责审核使用其应用的商户的真实身份、资质,并在司法机关、行政机关等有权机关或甲方要求时提供商户的身份信息;如接口提供者需要服务商到商户经营场所进行巡检或提交相应数据统计资料的,服务商应积极配合。

5.10 服务商在开放平台(包括开放平台下的服务市场)展示、销售其应用或服务的,服务商应自行按照相关法规运营应用或服务,并自行承担全部责任,包括但不限于:





5.11 您可能有机会接触到用户个人信息(下称“用户信息”),依据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》、《个人信息安全规范》、《电信和互联网用户个人信息保护规定》等相关法律法规规定, 为严格保护用户信息您自愿做出并严格遵守如下承诺:


5.12 如出现以下情形,甲方有权对服务商展示或销售的应用或服务进行下架处理、停止向服务商提供服务等措施:






5.13 若服务商决定停止使用本协议项下的服务、或停止提供应用或服务的,导致商户不能再使用服务商应用或服务的,服务商应当向所有商户至少提前30天发出书面通知,并退还商户已支付但未使用部分的相应费用,并与商户达成一致的解决方案;因此产生的损失及责任由服务商承担。且服务商理解并同意,商户使用服务商提供的应用和服务发生的任何纠纷应由商户和服务商自行协商解决,甲方不承担任何责任。但为了维护商户权益,甲方有权引导商户与服务商自行解决纠纷;或由甲方协助服务商解决商户纠纷。 甲方有权以普通或非专业人员的知识水平标准自行判断服务商是否为商户提供了优质、合理、安全的服务。甲方可制定相应的投诉规则规定具体细则。

5.14 服务商实际向商户提供应用或服务时,还应遵守《服务市场软件许可协议》的全部内容,并按照该协议的约定向商户提供应用或服务。前述链接为甲方提供的范本,服务商可以在该范本的基础上,与商户另行就应用或服务的使用签订补充协议,但不得与范本的条款相冲突。

5.15 服务商明确理解并同意,如因其违反有关法律或者本协议之规定,使甲方及其关联公司遭受任何损失,受到任何第三方的索赔,或任何行政管理部门的处罚的,除本协议另有规定外,服务商应对上述损失、索赔或处罚向甲方及其关联公司进行赔偿。


6.1 为了使服务商更便利地使用开放平台服务,服务商同意其在接口提供者处的相关数据(如有)可由接口提供者同步给甲方。

6.2 服务商同意,在法律法规允许的情况下,开放平台中有关服务商的应用的运营数据(指商户或服务商在使用开放平台中产生的相关数据,包括但不限于商户或服务商在提交、操作行为中形成的数据及各类交易数据、商户注册信息以及商户使用服务商应用所形成的数据)和商户数据(指商户在使用开放平台、应用等过程中产生的与商户有关的数据,包括但不限于商户提交的语音数据、图像数据、商户操作行为形成的数据)将通过甲方服务同步给接口提供者,以便其改进服务和接口。未经甲方或接口提供者事先书面同意,服务商不得为本协议约定之外的目的使用前述数据,不得为任何目的擅自保存、使用或授权他人使用前述数据。

6.3 服务商应自行对使用开放平台而获取的各种数据,采取合理、安全的技术措施确保其安全,但甲方有权根据政府部门、司法机关等有权机关的合法要求提供前述数据。

6.4 服务商收集、使用商户数据或代商户向甲方提交商户信息或用户信息,应取得商户及用户的明确授权。如甲方或接口提供者认为服务商收集、使用商户数据和用户数据的方式,存在违反法律法规情况以及可能损害商户体验或利益,甲方或接口提供者有权要求服务商删除相关数据并不得再以该方式收集、使用商户数据和用户数据,否则甲方有权停止向服务商提供开放平台服务。

6.5 服务商不得将商户信息或用户信息用于不利于商户和用户的目的,包括但不限于代替商户或用户与服务商自身签署合同,或代替商户或用户确认信息。因违反本约定引起的纠纷及后果由服务商自行负责解决和承担。因此给甲方或接口提供者或商户带来任何损失的,服务商应负责予以赔偿。

6.6 一旦服务商停止使用本协议项下的服务,或甲方终止提供本协议项下服务的,服务商应立即删除其从开放平台(包括但不限于平台项下的各服务市场)及各接口中获得的各种数据(包括各种备份),包括但不限于前述运营数据、商户数据和用户数据,且不得再以任何方式进行使用。

6.7 服务商不得通过任何方式存储用户的卡信息,包括但不限于银行卡的磁道信息、芯片信息、验证码、cvv码、有效期、银行卡或其他支付账户密码,且服务商应配合甲方或者甲方委托的第三方机构进行安全评估。如服务商违反本条承诺,甲方有权提前终止或中止双方已签署的全部或部分合同。

6.8 服务商违反相关保密义务或/及服务商存在不安全因素导致敏感信息泄露的,服务商应承担甲方由此遭受的所有损失(包括不限于经济损失、行政处罚、甲方赔偿客户损失等)。


7.1 开放平台(包括平台下各服务市场)部分服务(含接口)可能以收费方式提供,如服务商使用该等收费服务,应遵守收费服务相关的规则。

7.2 甲方或接口服务提供者可能根据实际需要修改和变更收费服务的收费标准、收费方式,甲方或接口服务提供者也可能会对曾经面向社会公众免费的服务开始收费。前述修改、变更或开始收费前,甲方将在开放平台(包括平台下各服务市场)相应页面进行通知或公告。如果服务商不同意上述修改、变更或付费内容,则应停止使用该服务。

7.3 甲方同意,服务商有权就开放平台中的应用或服务向商户收费,但为保证交易安全必须采用甲方规则中认可的支付渠道。

7.4 服务商同意其应用或服务的订购数据以甲方系统记录为准。


8.1 如服务商违反本协议、相关规则的,甲方有权根据相关协议、规则采取中止或终止向服务商提供本协议项下的服务及本协议等措施。

8.2 服务商因违反本协议而给商户造成损失的,服务商应向商户赔偿;如甲方为了保证商户权益先行向商户补偿的,服务商应在收到甲方支付通知后10个工作日内向甲方返还甲方先行补偿给商户的款项。如逾期未支付,服务商应每日按照应付金额的0.05%向甲方支付滞纳金。

8.3 如因服务商违反本协议约定或服务商的其他原因导致甲方或其关联公司遭受损失的,包括但不限于甲方或其关联公司向商户或第三方支付赔偿,或向政府缴纳罚款,则甲方有权或服务商不可撤销地授权甲方或其关联公司按甲方要求从服务商的待结算费用(如有)中直接扣除相应的费用;上述扣除费用仍不足以抵偿甲方或其关联公司损失的,服务商还应当补足。


9.1 如有下列情形发生,甲方有权单方面解除本协议,终止向服务商提供服务:




9.2 服务商同意,除第9.1条所述情形外,甲方和接口提供者有权根据风险及自身业务运营情况需要,随时终止向服务商提供开放平台服务及接口的部分或全部,因此导致服务商无法使用服务或服务受到限制,或导致商户无法使用服务商应用或服务的,甲方不构成违约,接口提供者也不承担任何法律责任。

9.3 甲方有权将其在本协议项下的权利和义务全部或部分转让给第三方,并通过开放平台或甲方服务市场发布公告。




11.1 服务商明确理解和同意,甲方不保证接口提供者的接口或技术文档一定能满足服务商的需要,不保证接口的正常运行,不保证甲方能够不中断地或无故障地提供本协议项下的服务。

11.2 对发布在开放平台的各服务市场的应用或服务的开发、运营、支持和维护,服务商同意独立承担所有的风险和后果。对于服务商发布在甲方服务市场上的任何应用或内容,甲方不承担任何责任。

11.3 甲方服务市场仅为服务商发布应用或服务提供技术支持。本协议的签署并不代表甲方成为商户与服务商进行交易的参与者,甲方不对服务商和商户交易承担任何责任。

11.4 服务商同意,因下列原因导致无法正常提供开放平台服务的,甲方及接口提供者不承担任何责任:







11.5 在任何情况下,甲方及接口提供者均不对任何间接性、后果性、惩戒性、偶然性、特殊性或刑罚性的损害承担责任(即使甲方已被告知该等损失的可能性)。


12.1 除12.3条规定的情形外,开放平台上所有内容,包括但不限于著作、图片、档案、资讯、资料、网站架构、网站画面的安排、网页设计,均由甲方或其他权利人依法拥有其知识产权,包括但不限于商标权、专利权、著作权、商业秘密等。非经甲方或其他权利人书面同意任何人不得擅自使用、修改、复制、公开传播、改变、散布、发行或公开发表甲方网站程序或内容,或对开放平台内的接口或技术材料的部分或整体进行分解、反向工程、反编译、修改、调整。

12.2 除本协议另有规定外,甲方及接口提供者授予服务商有限的、非排他性的、仅限于中华人民共和国境内(为避免歧义,不包含香港、澳门和台湾)的、可随时终止的和不可再分发的许可,仅限于服务商自己访问和使用开放平台开发、测试、显示其应用。

12.3 服务商享有其开发的应用的著作权、商标权、专利权等。如该等应用中使用了第三方软件或技术,服务商保证其已经获得了第三方的合法授权,否则因此产生的任何第三方索赔或其他责任均应由服务商承担。

12.4 如服务商通过甲方服务市场提交或发布应用或服务,即表明服务商授予甲方服务期内的、非排他性的、完全给付并免费的全球性许可,允许甲方使用、复制、再许可、重设格式、修改、删除、添加、公开显示、重现、分发和执行其应用或服务,以及将其存储和缓存在甲方指定服务器上。

12.5 服务商理解并同意,甲方不保证开放平台提供的接口中完全不侵犯任何第三方的著作权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权或其他合法权益,如上述接口中使用技术、软件涉嫌侵犯第三方知识产权等合法权益的,甲方有权立即终止向服务商提供涉嫌侵权的服务,甲方不承担因此导致的任何的损失和责任。




14.1 为了进一步改善客户体验,甲方会持续更新服务,为服务商提供版本升级、功能升级、规则升级等服务和内容的更新,本协议也可能会随之更新,更新内容将于公布之日起生效。若服务商不同意更新后的条款内容,有权停止使用相关服务;双方协商一致的,也可另行变更相关服务和对应条款内容。如果更新的内容涉及服务商的主要权利或责任,甲方会以公告、客户端通知或短信等方式进行提示。

14.2 非代理和禁止委托:甲方与服务商确认双方在本协议项下的安排、约定均不能视为双方存在任何代理关系;服务商确认其将不会在其任何宣传、市场、销售等活动或资料、文件中声称或误导其他人相信服务商是甲方代理。

14.3 本协议自您线上点击确认本协议时生效,本协议之解释与适用,以及与本协议有关的争议,均应依照中华人民共和国(为本协议项下特定目的,不包含香港、澳门、台湾)法律予以处理,并以本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院为管辖法院。

Open Platform Service Agreement

In order to create a standardized, orderly and safe open platform environment and bring convenience or better experience to users by using advanced Internet technology, Shishitongyun Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. , Shishitongyun Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., Shishitongyun Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and branches, subsidiaries, and holding companies of the aforementioned companies that are collectively referred to as Keruyun (referred to as Party A) and You (hereinafter referred to as "service provider" or "Party B") sign this agreement in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone regarding the use of open platforms and other related matters.

Special Note:

The service provider clicks to confirm through the web page or accepts this agreement in other ways or uses the services of the open platform, which means that the service provider agrees and accepts the terms of this agreement).

If the service provider has signed the "Open Platform Developer Agreement", "Service Market Agreement" and / or "Security Testing Service Agreement" with Party A or related parties before signing this agreement, this agreement will replace the aforementioned agreement from the date of signing.

1. Definition

1.1 Open platform: Keruyun Open Platform, refers to a platform system owned and operated independently by Party A provided for service providers with interfaces and other resources to develop, display, sell and manage service provider applications or services. The open platform website is “open.keruyun.com”, but not limited to the website and related pages within the website.

1.2 Service market: refers to the self-service market and management system that provides launching and subscription service for Party B's applications or services on an open platform.

1.3 Interface: refers to the software or program developed by the interface provider who has the intellectual property rights. The service provider can integrate it into the service provider application or service in accordance with the rules of open platform.

1.4 Interface provider: refers to a entity or an individual who provides interface information and technical documents to service providers through open platform, so that the service provider can develop application products and provide services.

1.5 Service provider / Party B: refers to the entity or individual who signed this agreement with Party A to enter the open platform. Service providers obtain interfaces and technical documents through open platforms to develop and improve applications to serve themselves or other users. The service provider could confirm the provider of the interface through the interface document.

1.6 user: refers to all entities or individuals that use the applications or services provided by the service provider.

1.7 Applications (including without limitation, services, systems, etc.): refer to application programs and related services developed or perfected by developers through interfaces or / and technical materials provided by interface providers on open platforms.

1.10 Affiliates:for any person, means any entity that controls, is controlled by, directly or indirectly, or in common control with, such person. For the purposes of the definition of Affiliate under this Agreement, “control” means having power of deciding significant matters through shares, equity interest, securities or contract arrangements entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority. To void any doubt, service provider cannot be deemed, claimed as affiliates of Party A in any circumstance, vice versa。

1.8 AppID & RSA key: refers to the application access account and key granted by Party A when applying for application development.

1.9 Laws and regulations: refers to national laws, local laws, administrative regulations, department rules, notices, decrees and other legislation, law enforcement or judicial decisions applicable to relevant persons or objects (including but not limited to any interpretation by the Supreme People ’s Court) ) or regulatory documents issued by the relevant competent authorities of the People ’s Republic of China.

2. The components of the agreement

This agreement includes the body of the agreement and various rules (including business specifications, the same below), notices, announcements, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the rules") that Party A has issued or may release in the future. All the above rules, notices and announcements are integral parts of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the body of this agreement. If the above rules, notices and announcements conflict with this agreement, the document released later shall prevail. Party A has the right to formulate, amend, revise and modify various rules from time to time as needed and make announcements by issuing notices on the open platform or the service market platform of Party A without having to notify the service provider separately. Unless specific time is stipulated separately, the agreements and rules formulated and modified by Party A will automatically come into force immediately as they are published and become part of this agreement. If the service provider continues to use open platform services, the service provider is deemed to accept, agree to and abide by the revised rules.

3. Special tips

Party A and the service provider agree and understand:

  (1) Party A and the interface provider don’t participate in any activities of developing, operating, or any other manipulating of the applications. Any disputes, responsibilities, or obligations arising from the service provider’s application as well as any consequences caused by the service provider's violation of laws and regulations or this agreement are independently borne by the service provider and have nothing to do with Party A and the interface provider; if Party A, interface provider or other third parties’ legitimate rights and interests are violated, the service provider shall bear all responsibilities and compensate all losses. If Party A or the interface provider bears legal responsibility or suffers any loss due to the service provider's application or service provider, Party A or the interface provider has the right to make a claim against the service provider after taking such responsibility so as to protect itself from loss.

  (2) In addition to this agreement, if the interface provider separately formulates specifications or rules for the interface, the service provider shall also comply with these specifications or rules.

  (3) If the service provider uses the interface provided by the interface provider or provides the user with an application or service that includes the interface provided by the interface provider, the service provider shall operate aforementioned operation in accordance with required process and obtain permission from Party A or the interface provider.



4. Party A's Services

4.1 Party A is the operator of the open platform and only provides neutral platform services. The service provider shall be responsible for the creation, opening, editing, processing, modification, testing, operation and maintenance of its applications and shall bear the corresponding costs. If the service provider applies for displaying application or service on open platform, the service provider shall agree that Party A has the right to review the service provider's application or service in accordance with laws and regulations and decide whether to display the service provider's application or service or remove the application or service from the platform. Nevertheless, the service provider shall agree that Party A should not be deemed to be a co-provider of the application or service due to its review behavior and shall not be liable for the service provider's application or service due to review behavior.

4.2 Party A has the right to immediately cease to provide services to the service provider under this agreement and hold the service provider legally responsible in the following situation. Party A has the right to further supplement or interpret the provisions hereof by means of rules, notices, or interpretations issued, published or delivered by Party A.

 (1) Service providers violate the provisions of relevant national laws, including but not limited to engaging in terrorist activities, endangering network security, money laundering, subversion of the government, inciting national hatred, etc .;

   (2) Service providers violate this agreement;

   (3) Party A receives the relevant request from the judiciary or government authorities or regulatory organization or interface provider;

   (4) Party A receives notifications from users or other third parties, complaining that service providers or service providers’ application or service violates legal provisions, has risks or flaws, infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others or breaks agreement with the interface provider;

  (5) Party A believes that the behavior of the service provider and the applications or services developed may affect the normal operation of the open platform;

  (6) Party A believes that the service provider has violated the provisions of the law or has improper behavior, including but not limited to unauthorized acquisition, storage, disclosure of user information, which may endanger the network or user security;

  (7) Party A believes that there are other operations that may damage the lawful rights and interests of Party A, interface providers, users or other third parties.

4.3 Party A has the right to examine the registration information, transaction data and transaction behavior of the service provider and user. If Party A finds that there are operations reflecting situations listed in Article 4.2 or any other problem, Party A has the right to give an inquiry or a notice requiring correction or directly take steps it deems appropriate, including but not limited to deleting relevant information, deleting applications or stopping providing services under this agreement for the service provider.

4.4 The service provider agrees that Party A has the right to disclose the real entity information of the service provider on the service provider's application or service or other relevant pages, so that the user can learn the application or the identity of service providers.


5. Service provider commitment and use specifications of service

5.1 The service provider needs to register an account and fill in the basic information to get a registered account of open platform. The service provider should use individual mobile phone number with real-name authentication or mobile phone number with real-name authentication of the person in charge of or delegated by the company to register a developer account (hereinafter referred to as account) through developer platform on the open platform or other designated channels. Once the developer account is successfully registered, the corresponding mobile phone number cannot be changed and the account cannot be transferred, given, or inherited. The service provider shall guarantee the authenticity and legality of the mobile phone number used for the registered account. The mobile phone number’s functions on this open platform include but are not limited to the following: registering an open platform account, submitting corresponding qualification materials, confirming and agreeing to relevant agreements, rules and matters such as cost settlement.

5.2 The service provider shall properly keep the account (including but not limited to the registered account or other accounts allowed to log in on the open platform in the future, hereinafter referred to as "account"), passwords, mobile phones number and communication tools for logging in to the open platform. Party A identifies the service provider's identity and instructions through the account and password and any operations under service provider's account and password is regarded as service provider's operation. The service provider agrees that if service provider’s account and password are lost, leaked or stolen, the service provider shall bear the legal responsibility

5.3 In order to ensure the orderly operation and security of the open platform, the service provider declares that service provider shall comply with laws and regulations when using the open platform services, related interfaces and technical documents. The service provider can use the permissions and interfaces on the open platform according to this agreement and the agreement with the interface service provider (if any) and may not apply for interfaces or other services under this agreement for any third parties.

5.4 The service provider shall ensure that it has all authorizations, licenses, approvals and qualifications required to operate, sign and perform this agreement and keep communication tools open. If there is any change in the above information, the service provider shall immediately submit the changed information to Party A in writing. Before the changed information is verified, Party A shall operate completely based on data before the change and all risks arising therefrom shall be borne by the service provider. If Party A discovers by itself or by third parties that the above information provided by the service provider is untrue or inaccurate, Party A has the right to terminate the open platform services to the service provider and all loss, damages, and liabilities arising therefrom shall be borne by the service provider.

5.5 The service provider understands and agrees that in order to protect the security of the platform, Party A has the right to decide whether accepting the application from the service provider or not  in its sole discretion, Party A has the right to hire a third-party professional organization to conduct on-site inspection and review of the information system accessed from the service provider, including but not limited to technical review , security review, etc. and propose measures (including without limitation, anti-intrusion, anti- virus) shall be adopted to the service providers based on the results of the review. The aforementioned review includes user security examination platform, paid or unpaid security testing services provided by third-party to the service provider . the service provider consents that " Security Testing Service Agreement (testing agreement)" shall be automatically signed between you and third-party when you entered into this agreement with KRY, and you confirms that testing agreement shall be binding on you. The service provider understands and agrees that Party A shall not be responsible for the fees, results and disputes related to the testing services provided by third parties mentioned above. If the information system provided by the service provider fails to meet the requirements for protecting the security of user data, Party A has the right to refuse or terminate the open platform services to you. However, because Party A is not a professional organization, the review by Party A does not guarantee that the service provider ’s applications, services, or behaviors are completely abiding by laws and regulations or completely risk-free, nor does it mean that Party A provides guarantees, licenses, or bear any joint responsibility for any actions of the service provider.

5.6 The service provider agrees to receive emails and messages from Party A, its affiliates and partners.

5.7 Once the service provider successfully applies for the launch of a new application on the open platform, the service provider will obtain a unique AppID and RSA public key from Party A for the application. Party A uses AppID to identify the identity of the service provider. The service provider agrees that it shall not use the AppID and RSA private key of other service providers at any time, nor will the service provider disclose its own AppID and RSA private key to any third party. The service provider agrees that any operation under service provider’s AppID and the application's RSA private key shall be deemed the service provider's actions; if the service provider discovers or suspects that others use service provider's AppID or RSA private key without authorization, the service provider shall immediately inform Party A. Party A shall not be liable for any incidents under the service provider's AppID, including but not limited to any unauthorized access, modification, deletion, destruction, damage, loss or failure to store.

5.8 Without the written consent of Party A, the service provider and its employees shall not use corporate names, trademarks, service marks, company names, other signs, logos, slogans, etc. of Party A and its affiliates (including but not limited to Keruyun, Shishitongyun, Koubei, Alibaba, etc.) to practice any activities and shall not publicize any other associations with Party A except for this agreement. The service provider application shall not make any changes to API of the open platform. Developers should correctly and completely mark the words "Powered by Keruyun Open Platform" or "Technology provided by Keruyun Open Platform" on the application. Otherwise, Keruyun has the right to suspend or terminate the developer's use of open platform’s related services at any time.

5.9 The service provider shall be responsible for reviewing the true identity and qualification of the user who uses the service provider’s application and shall provide identity information of the user when requested by competent authorities such as the judiciary or administrative authority or Party A; the service provider shall actively inspect user ’s business premise or submit corresponding statistical data if required by the interface provider.

5.10 The service provider shall display and sell its applications or services on open platform (including the service market under open platform) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and bear all responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  (1) In accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, to reserve access logs and operation records;

  (2) Examine the content (including but not limited to messages, comments, names, etc.) generated by the user's use of the application or service and ensure that the content does not violate relevant laws, regulations, policies, public order and traditional customs, etc.;

  (3) Pay taxes in accordance with laws and regulation. Issue invoice or valid document to users in the light of requirement;

  (4)Provide documents of copyright, patent rights, trademark rights and relevant certificates in accordance with the requirements of Party A.

5.11 The service provider guarantees that the sensitive information obtained from the open platform is encrypted. At the same time, the information on the service provider’s website or wireless terminal must be displayed in accordance with the requirements of the "Open Platform Third Party Application Secure Development Guide", otherwise Party A has the right to suspend or terminate part of or all of open platform functions that have been offered to the service provider.

5.12 If the following situations happen, Party A has the right to remove the applications or services displayed or sold by the service provider and stop providing services to the service provider:

 (1) The service provider violates laws and regulations, this agreement and the relevant rules of the open platform and / or service market;

  (2) The service provider intentionally spreads destructive programs such as computer viruses and imposes any threat to the security of computer information networks or applications or services including computer viruses, Trojans, spyware or any other content that may hinder or interfere with the normal operation of open platforms and / or service markets; the service provider infringes the intellectual property rights or other rights and interests of Party A, users or any other third parties; 

  (3) The service provider engages in any violation of laws and regulations such as "twice settlement", money laundering, violence, anti-government, etc., or facilitates violations.

  (4) The service provider’s actions violate the rules of the open platform and / or service market.

  (5) Unsecure factors (including leakage of sensitive information or vulnerabilities on the website, implantation of Trojan horse viruses or other malicious codes, etc.) threating Party A or user’s interests are detected on service provider’s website (including various product systems connected to open platforms).

5.13 If the service provider decides to stop using the services under this agreement or to stop providing applications or services so that the users can no longer use service provider’s applications or services, the service provider should give all users at least 30 days written notice in advance and refund corresponding fees paid by the user but not used and reach an agreed solution with the user; the service provider shall bear the losses and liabilities arising therefrom. The service provider understands and agrees that any disputes arising from the user's use of the application and services provided by the service provider shall be resolved through negotiation between the user and the service provider and Party A shall not bear any responsibility. However, in order to safeguard the rights and interests of the users, Party A has the right to mediate disputes between users and service providers; Party A has the right to judge whether the service provider has provided high-quality, reasonable and safe services to the users based on the knowledge level of ordinary people or non-professionals. Party A may formulate specific rules for the corresponding complaint rules.

5.14 When the service provider provides application or service to the user, the service provider should also abide by the "Service Market Software License Agreement". The aforementioned link is a template provided by Party A. On the basis of the template, the service provider may sign a supplementary agreement with a user over applications or services, but it shall not conflict with terms of the template.

5.15 The service provider clearly understands and agrees that if the service provider violates relevant laws or provisions of this agreement, causing Party A and its affiliates to suffer loss, to be

subject to any third-party claims or to be punished by any administrative department, unless otherwise specified, the service provider shall compensate Party A and its affiliates for the aforementioned losses, claims or penalties.

6. Data and Privacy

6.1 In order to facilitate service provider to use open platform services, the service provider agrees that relevant data (if any) at the interface provider can be transferred by the interface provider to Party A.

6.2 The service provider agrees that, as permitted by laws and regulations, the operating data of the service provider’s applications on the open platform (refers to relevant data generated by the user or service provider in using the open platform, including but not limited to data produced during submission, operation, various transaction data, user registration information, and data generated by users using service provider applications) and user data (referring to user-related data generated during the use of open platforms and applications by users, including but not limited to the voice data, image data, and data created due to the user's operation) will be transferred to the interface provider through the service of Party A so as to improve the service and interface. Without the prior written consent of Party A or the interface provider, the service provider shall not use the foregoing data for purposes other than those stipulated in this agreement and shall not save, use or authorize others to use the foregoing data for any purpose.

6.3 The service provider shall take reasonable and safe technical measures to ensure the safety of various data generated in using the open platform, but Party A has the right to provide aforementioned data in accordance with the requirements of government departments, judicial authorities and other competent authorities.

6.4 The service provider shall collect and utilize user data or submit user to Party A on behalf of the user on the basis of obtaining explicit authorization from the user. If Party A or the interface provider believes that the service provider collects and uses user data in a manner that violates laws and regulations and may damage the user experience or interests, Party A or the interface provider has the right to require the service provider to delete the relevant data and shall not collect and utilize user data in this way, otherwise Party A has the right to stop providing open platform services to service providers.

6.5 The service provider shall not utilize the user information for purposes against the user, including but not limited to achieve contract with itself on behalf of the user or confirm information on behalf of the user. The disputes and consequences caused by violation of this agreement shall be resolved and borne by the service provider. Any loss arising therefrom brought to Party A, interface provider or user, shall be compensated by the service provider.  

6.6 Once the service provider stops using the services under this agreement or Party A terminates the services under this agreement, the service provider shall immediately delete data (including backups) from open platform (including but not limited to the service markets under open platform) and interfaces, including but not limited to the aforementioned operating data, user data and those data shall not be used again in any way.

6.7 The service provider shall not store the user's card information in any way, including but not limited to the track information of the bank card, chip information, verification code, cvv code, validity period, bank card or other payment account password and the service provider shall accept a safety assessment by Party A or a third-party organization entrusted by Party A. If the service provider violates this commitment, Party A has the right to terminate or abort all or part of the agreement signed by both parties.

6.8 If the service provider violates the relevant confidentiality obligations or / and the service provider has unsafe factors that lead to the leakage of sensitive information, the service provider shall take all responsibilities and remedy all the losses and damages suffered by Party A  (including but not limited to economic losses, administrative penalties, Party A’s compensation for customer losses, etc.).

7. Service fees and fees for service provider

7.1 Some services (including interfaces) of the open platform (including the service markets under the platform) may be provided with a fee. If service providers use such fee-based services, they should abide by the rules related to fee-based services.

7.2 Party A or the interface service provider may modify and change the charging policy in terms of practical condition. Party A or the interface service provider may also start charging for any free-services . Before the aforementioned modification, change or start of charging, Party A will make a notice or announcement on the corresponding page of the open platform (including service markets under the platform). If the service provider does not agree to the modification, change or charging, the service provider should stop using the service.

7.3 Party A agrees that the service provider has the right to charge users for the applications or services on the open platform, but in order to ensure transaction security, service providers shall adopt payment channels stipulated in Party A rules.

7.4 The service provider agrees that the order data of its application or service shall be subject to Party A's system records.

8. Liability for breach of contract

8.1 If the service provider violates this agreement and related rules, Party A has the right to suspend or terminate the services under this agreement to the service provider or/and this agreement in accordance with the agreements and relevant rules.

8.2The service provider shall be liable for all losses and damages suffered by user due to violation of this agreement by the service provider; if Party A compensates the user in order to ensure the rights and interests of the user in advance, the service provider promises to indemnify Party A with the equal amount currency paid to the user by Party A within 10 working days from the date of receiving the notice from Party A. If the payment is overdue, the service provider shall pay a fine to Party A at 0.05% of the payables daily.

8.3 If Party A or its affiliates suffer losses due to the service provider's violation of this agreement or other reasons of the service provider, including but not limited to paying compensation to users or third parties by Party A or its affiliates or paying fines to the government, Party A has the right or the service provider irrevocably authorize Party A or its affiliates to directly deduct the corresponding fees from the service provider ’s pending charges (if any) as required by Party A; If  aforementioned fees is insufficient to offset losses of Party A and affiliated company, the service provider shall indemnify all losses and damages suffered by Party A .

9. Release and Transfer Agreement

9.1 If the following situations occur, Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement and the services to the service provider:

   (1) Service providers use open platform services for illegal purposes;

   (2) The service provider's use of open platform services or provided applications infringe the legitimate rights and interests of Party A, interface providers, users or other third parties;

   (3) The service provider breaks the laws and regulations or this agreement or the agreement with the interface provider.

9.2 The service provider agrees that, in addition to situations stipulated in Article 9.1, Party A and the interface provider have the right to terminate any of or all of the open platform services and interfaces provided to the service provider at any time according to the risks and their business operations. If the provider cannot use the service or the service is restricted or if the user cannot use the service provider application or service, Party A does not constitute a breach of contract and the interface provider does not assume any legal responsibility.

9.3 Party A has the right to transfer all or part of its rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party and make an announcement through the open platform or the service market of Party A.

10. After Service Termination

After the service provider stops using the open platform or after Party A terminates the services under this agreement to the service provider, Party A no longer retains any information related to the original account of the service provider or forwards any unread or unsent information to the service provider, user or other third party and shall not be liable to the service provider or user or any third party because of service termination.

11. Limitation and Exemption of Liability  

11.1 The service provider clearly understands and agrees that Party A does not guarantee that the interface or technical documentation of the interface provider will meet the needs of the service provider, that interface will operate properly and that Party A can provide service under this agreement without interruption or failure.

11.2 For the development, operation, support and maintenance of applications or services launched in service markets of the open platform, the service provider agrees to bear all risks and consequences independently. Party A shall not be responsible for any application or content published by the service provider in service markets of Party A.

11.3 Party A's service market only provides technical support for service providers to launch applications or services. The signing of this agreement does not mean that Party A becomes a participant in the transaction between the user and the service provider and Party A does not assume any responsibility for the transaction between the service provider and the user.

11.4 The service provider agrees that if the open platform services cannot be provided as usual due to the following reasons, Party A and the interface provider shall not bear any responsibility:

  (1) Party A or the interface provider will shut down for maintenance or upgrade their respective systems and equipment;

  (2) Force majeure like typhoon, earthquake, flood, lightning, terrorist attack, etc.;

  (3) The user's computer hardware and software, communication lines and power supply lines break down;

  (4) Due to the service provider or user’s improper operation or because they use the open platform or service market of the party A by means that is not authorized or approved by Party A;

  (5) Due to viruses, Trojan horses, malicious program attacks, network congestion, system instability, system or equipment failure, communication failure, power failure, third-party service defects or government actions, etc.

Despite the agreement in the preceding article, Party A shall take reasonable measures to actively restore services to normal use.

11.5 In any circumstance, neither Party A nor the interface provider shall be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special, or punitive damages (even if Party A has been informed of the possibility of such losses).

12. Intellectual Property

12.1 Except for the situations presented in Article 12.3, the intellectual property of all contents on the open platform, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, data, website structure, website picture arrangement, web design, belongs to Party A or relevant rights holders in accordance with laws. Intellectual property rights include but not limited to, trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, etc. Without the written consent of Party A or relevant right holders, no one may use, modify, copy, publicly spread, change, disseminate, publish or publicly publish the program or content of Party A ’s website, nor will they decompose, reverse engineering, decompile, modify and adjust any part of or all of the interface or technical materials on the open platform.

12.2 Except as otherwise stipulated in this agreement, Party A and the interface provider grant the service provider a limited, non-exclusive, non-redistributable, revocable license which shall be used, operated, manipulated only for service providers themselves accessing and using open platforms to develop, test, and display their applications in the territory of the People's Republic of China (to avoid any doubt, the territory of the People's Republic of China does not contain Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).

12.3 Service providers own the copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, etc. of the applications they develop. If third-party software or technology is used in these applications, the service provider shall guarantee that the service provider has obtained legal authorization of the third party, otherwise any third-party claims or other liabilities arising therefrom shall be borne by the service provider.

12.4 If the service provider submits or publishes the application or service through the service market of Party A, it means that the service provider grants Party A non-exclusive, fully paid and free global license during the service period, allowing Party A to use, copy, re-license, reformat, modify, delete, add, display publicly, reproduce, distribute and execute its applications or services and store and cache it on the designated server of Party A.

12.5 The service provider understands and agrees that Party A does not guarantee that the interfaces provided by the open platform will not infringe any third party's copyright, patent rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests. If the legal rights and interests of the third parties such as intellectual property rights are violated, Party A has the right to immediately terminate the services that are suspected of violation to the service provider and Party A shall not bear any losses and liabilities arising therefrom.

13. Notification and Delivery

Party A shall send all kinds of rules, notifications, reminders, etc. regarding the open platform to the service provider through one or more of ways, for instance, web prompts, web announcements, internal messages, e-mails, mobile phone messages or regular mail; such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered to the service provider from the date of announcement or the date of sending and shall be deemed to have been accepted and agreed by the service provider. If the service provider does not accept these notices, the service provider shall notify Party A in writing through email address of Party A officially displayed on the open platform and Party A ’s service market within five days from the date of announcement or the date of sending and stop using the open platform services, otherwise it is deemed that the service provider has accepted and agreed to the content of the notification.

14. Other Agreements

14.1 In order to further improve the customer experience, Party A will continue to update the service and provide service providers with version upgrades, function upgrades, rule upgrades and other service and content updates. This agreement may also be updated accordingly and the updated content shall come into force from the date of announcement. If the service provider does not agree with the updated terms and conditions, they have the right to stop using the related services; the related services and corresponding terms and contents can also be changed after consensus has been reached between both parties. If the updated content involves the main rights or responsibilities of service providers, Party A will prompt the service provider through announcement, client notification or SMS.

14.2 Non-Agent and Prohibition: Party A and the service provider confirm that both parties ’arrangements and agreements under this agreement cannot be regarded as any agency relationship between the two parties; service providers confirm that you shall not claim or mislead others to believe that you are an agent of Party A in any publicity, marketing, sales activities or documents.

14.3 The interpretation and application of this agreement as well as disputes related to this agreement shall be subject to the laws of the People ’s Republic of China (for specific purposes under this agreement, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) and the people's court with jurisdiction where the agreement is signed shall be the competent court.